So, about Cheryl Lynn Eaton…

Cheryl Lynn EatonCheryl Lynn Eaton is and will always be a lover of books. A New York metropolitan native (now safely nestled in the outskirts of Atlanta), she has contributed to pop-culture sites as a columnist and reporter, maintained a position as an editor for an academic press, written for comic publications and prose anthologies, served as an editorial intern for Publishers Weekly, and was employed as a comic-shop clerk in her early youth. Whew! Popular culture? She knows it. Black culture? She is steeped in it. The written word? She tames it. She is available for creative and editorial work, contributions as a columnist, and marketing consultations. And she rarely refers to herself in the third person.

No, really.

Press & Notations

A small sampling of links around the Web to articles about and notable mentions of Cheryl Lynn Eaton.

Podcasts & Video

Links to panels and audio commentary featuring Cheryl Lynn Eaton.

Around the Web

Cheryl Lynn can be found in myriad places under one or two handles—but always with her full name in view! Links to the most popular social networking sites are nestled within the navigation menu. However, here are a few lesser-known locations. If it’s not listed here? It’s not Cheryl Lynn Eaton!